Who is on your gratitude list?

January is the perfect time to think about all the people who support you throughout the year. Most of us do this as we reflect on the past year and remember who made a difference in our personal and professional lives. This year take a moment and make a list of these folks. This way, you can be more intentional about staying in touch, thank them and be present in their lives. No matter how long your list is, this is a great way to start the year. And remember to revisit this list every month. It is a task we often overlook, but it can be a powerful tool in practicing gratitude and showing those most important to you just how much you care.

If you need help in staying in touch, check out our online gift shop in our bio or call us at 240-406-8701, and our team will work with you to lay the groundwork for a great year ahead. 


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