Send Your Employees a Welcome Gift Box to show your appreciation!

Many companies today realize a well-thought-out onboarding strategy can help drive revenue to the bottom line. Yet, new employees don’t always think the process is very effective. Gallup finds that only 12% of employees strongly agree that their organization does a great job onboarding new employees. This breakdown affects the emotional bond between the new hire and the company -- a connection that can make or break retention.

Fortunately, building an employee experience can be done by focusing on employee likes and dislikes, strengths and accomplishments, goals and desires. Paying attention to employees goes a long way in ensuring the employee feels informed, listened to, and valued. And ultimately, the employee may stay longer, feel more like a valued team member from the start, and be willing to go the extra mile in an economy with different employment options than before Covid. The employee has more power now than in the past. Employers need to know how to deal with this change. According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), employee turnover can be as much as 50% in the first 18 months of employment. Employees leaving the workforce can be expensive and put pressure on highly burdened resources as well as a company's financial bottom line.

Our Gift Biz understands the importance of employee onboarding and recognition. We can be an excellent resource for creating an employee experience throughout the year so your team and partners feel engaged. We help companies across the nation that struggle with employee and client retention. Often it is the little things that surprise, delight, and WOW them. Sending the right message at the right time is critical. Check out our online catalog or call today to see how we can help. 


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On Mother's Day we celebrate moms and everything they do!